More good health related things are happenings on the home front in Pueblo, Colorado. The Health Department is starting up a Food System Assessment (FSA) Advisory Council whose objective is to help educate the community and explore the feasibility of increasing access to healthy foods in food deserts located in Pueblo County. What is a Food Desert? According to handy Wikipedia, a food desert is “a district with little or no access to large grocery stores that offer fresh and affordable foods needed to maintain a healthy diet. Instead of such stores, these districts often contain many fast food restaurants and convenience stores.” Single mothers, children, and the elderly living in lower economic urban neighborhoods, who often may not have cars, are often most effected. I know we've got these in Pueblo, I pass them daily. In a few weeks, I will join other community members on this advisory board. It will be interesting to explore this issue in-depth, and hopefully, in the end, work with our community in coming up with solutions.
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